About Me

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Molly Stroud
I am a 34 year old wife to Joel and mom to four sweet kids. Anna-13, Julia-11, Olivia-9, and Will-7. I lived a fairy tale life until the summer of 2008. My health came crashing down around me, and for the next three years I endured mountains of complications due to a hysterectomy. I've lost my sanity and am now a diagnosed manic depressive.. aka "Bipolar". I hope in sharing my experiences that I may encourage others not to lose hope... and to remind them that sanity is overrated.
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Monday, March 23, 2009

I worked on the dental team with the Haitian doctor, Renald Pierre. He did not practice sanitary dentistry. He didn't change his gloves very often, and had little to no compassion for his patients. It was a disturbing and eye opening experience. I prayed for the patients each time they sat in the chair. The health of their teeth is deplorable, and I pity them for the pain they go through each day.